1969年 東京都生まれ 桐生市育ち
1994年 東京芸術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻卒業
1996年 東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻(油画)修士課程修了
2015 個展 水戸芸術館現代美術センター、茨城(予定)
2013 「山口晃展 画業ほぼ総覧—お絵描きから現在まで」 群馬県立館林美術館、群馬
2012 「望郷 TOKIORE(I)MIX」 メゾンエルメス8階フォーラム、東京
2011 「Singa-planet」 ジャパン・クリエイティブ・センター、シンガポール
2010 「いのち丸」 ミヅマアートギャラリー、東京
2007 「山口晃展 今度は武者絵だ!」 練馬区立美術館、東京
2007 「アートで候。会田誠 山口晃 展」 上野の森美術館、東京
2014 「日本の原風景を描く 広重の「東海道五拾三次」と現代作家たち 歌川広重、山口晃、竹﨑和征、イケムラレイコ」 ベルナール・ビュフェ美術館 別館、静岡
2013 「浮世絵POP 江戸~現代のポップカルチャー」 静岡市東海道広重美術館、静岡
2013 「LOVE展:アートにみる愛のかたち」 森美術館、東京
2012 「Double Vision: Contemporary Art from Japan」 モスクワ市近代美術館(ロシア)、ハイファ博物館群(イスラエル)に巡回
2011 「Edo Pop: the Graphic Impact of Japanese Prints」 ミネアポリス美術館、ミネアポリス、アメリカ
2011 「ジパングー31人の気鋭作家が切り拓く、現代日本のアートシーン。」 日本橋高島屋8階ホール、東京
2011 「バイバイキティ」 ジャパン・ソサエティ、ニューヨーク、アメリカ
2010 「第17回シドニービエンナーレ」 シドニー、オーストラリア
2009 「越後妻有トリエンナーレ2009」 新潟
2009 「ネオテニー・ジャパン -高橋コレクション」 上野の森美術館、新潟県立近代美術館、秋田県立近代美術館へ巡回
2001 第4回岡本太郎記念現代芸術大賞優秀賞
2013 自著『ヘンな日本美術史』(祥伝社)にて第12回小林秀雄賞
Art Gallery of New South Wales、シドニー、オーストラリア
Akira Yamaguchi has long been working with the juxtaposition of different historical eras in his expertly-crafted and finely-detailed ink on paper drawings and acrylic and oil on canvas paintings. There is a real sophistication to his process -- the artist does not simply drop a salaryman into a Tokugawa pastoral scene, rather he seamlessly integrates different and disparate period moods, clues, and symbols, and does this so cleverly that it is often not apparent until one closely inspects the pictures. Yamaguchi also fuses different artistic styles in his drawings -- we see the lack of perspective characteristic of early Yamato-e paintings; and we also see treatments in the style of contemporary media such as manga, and the virtual imagery found in anime and video games. Yamaguchi says his work is meant to be humorous, but also aims to criticize the wholesale embracing of Western ideas that took place during the Meiji Era, to the detriment of traditional Japanese culture.
1969 Born in Tokyo
1996 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, MA in oil painting
1994 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, BA in oil painting
Recent Exhibitions
"Yamaguchi Akira", Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi, Gunma
"Yamaguchi Akira", Niigata City Art Museum, Niigata
"Yamaguchi Akira", Sogo Museum of Art, Kanagawa
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I am Yamaguchi Akira.", Museum "Eki" Kyoto, Kyoto
"TOKIORE(I)MIX", Maison Hermes 8F Le Forum, Tokyo (-May 13)
"TOKAIDO LANDSCAPES, The Path from Hiroshige to Contemporary Artists", The Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka
"SINGA-PLANET", Japan Creative Center, Singapore
"City Strollers", Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Gallery, Fukuoka
"Tokyo Strollers", Ginza Mitsukoshi Exhibition Hall, Tokyo
"Inochimaru", Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo
2014-05-26 17:37 GMT+09:00 Chen Jiang :
Tenmyouya Hisashi
Born in Tokyo, in 1966 February, Tenmyouya Hisashi is a Japanese contemporary artist.
He supposed his unique Japanese painting "Neo Nihonga" which revives Japanese traditional paintings as a contemporary art. In 2000 he also created his new style "Butouha" which shows the resistant attitude for authoritative art system through his paintings. In 2010 he proposed a new Japanese art scheme named "BASARA" which is extravagant and extraordinary and embodies a Samurai aesthetic like "Basara" in Nanboku dynasty era and "Kabuki-mono" in the end of Sengoku era.
Some of the major Solo Exhibitions he has participated in include the 2009 " FURYU - EXTRAVAGANT " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan), the 2012" Rhyme " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan). Some of the major Awards he has participated in include the 1990 "11th Japan Graphic Exhibition "Winning judge Prize, the 2003 " 6th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Memorial Award for Contemporary Art "Winning excellent prize.