Takatomo Tomita

在学中にOutstanding Student Awardを獲得し、卒業後も作品制作を続けながらさまざまな展示会に参加。
フィラデルフィアでは2005年10月にFleisher Ollman GalleryにてPost-Artというタイトルで個展を開催し、2006年8月に帰国した。
「All things must pass」というプロジェクトとし、それをモットーに生活をしているのだ。
Takatomo Tomita went to the United States to 18 years old
and studied art in the United States until the age of 28.
He spent mainly in Philadelphia, studied sculpture
and graphic design at university and graduated sculpture department in 2001.
While acquiring an Outstanding Student Award
while studying abroad, participating in various exhibitions
while continuing to produce works after graduation.
He held a solo exhibition at the Fleisher Ollman Gallery
titled Post-Art In Philadelphia in October 2005 ,
and returned to Japan in August 2006.
After returning to Japan, he lived in Fujinomiya City,
and he has workshops, group exhibitions and solo exhibitions.
When I meet Tomita who has a long experience overseas,
I get a feeling of being very natural living.
It is made to feel again what to do in order to become
the most like himself without being conscious of various external pressures.
After returning home,
Tomita himself thought about "an ideal society"
and incorporates it into production as its concept.
A comfortable society where treasures families,
neighbors, and many people gather together with relaxation.
Targeting that, Tomita draws illustrations
one character each day, and distributes
the illustrations that he relates to people
who have some connection in some way.
It is a project called "All things must pass",
and he lives the unity on that motto.
The work of Tomita therefore has
a work ability that never makes the viewer bored.
It has the possibility to increase the value
more and more according to the future success
and is one of the artist who cannot keep an eye on future trends.
It would be a good idea to choose his work
as the first art to decorate in the room.