Kyoko Hayashi

1983年 生まれ
2007年 多摩美術大学造形表現学部 日本画専攻卒業
2013 「paradise」 ... Gallery 空/ 東京
2012 「1/365」 ... Gallery 空/ 東京
2011 「1/365」 ... Gallery 空/ 東京
2007 「Kyoko Hayashi EXHIBITION」... ギャラリーいわさ堂/ 鎌倉
2006 「佐藤太清賞」特選受賞
「art44」多摩美術大学造形表現学部展示 グランプリ受賞
2007 国際瀧富士美術賞受賞
「FUKUI サムホール美術賞」奨励賞受賞
Kyoko Hayashi’s artwork captivates viewers with a refined sense of color and skilled techniques that create a lasting impression. From an early age, she held a profound interest in colors and color combinations, which, along with her training in Japanese painting, has enabled her to cultivate a versatile range of expressions. She employs traditional mineral pigments and watercolors to depict the delicate shifts in nature and seasons. Her artworks exude a sense of the temperature and humidity of the four seasons, allowing viewers to discover something new each time they observe her art.
Hayashi’s creative process is highly meticulous; she paints in natural light, valuing the nuances of color gradation and accidental expressions that arise during creation. Without preliminary sketches, she follows an intuitive flow, drawing upon inspiration from daily life and her drawings to complete pieces in a single sitting. This approach allows color and form to intertwine exquisitely, maximizing the beauty that spontaneity can bring. The depth of the pigments and the inherent appeal of the materials bring a natural texture to her paintings, evoking a richness that resonates deeply with viewers.
By utilizing mineral pigments—a unique medium of Japanese painting—her artwork harmonizes traditional Japanese beauty with modern abstract expression. The particle quality and gloss of the pigments create a texture that transcends a flat surface, drawing viewers into the painting itself. Hayashi’s commitment to color and material defines her distinct style, making her artwork uniquely captivating.
Her exceptional color sense, calculated compositions, and the depth of expression achieved with mineral pigments invite viewers to form a lasting bond with each piece, appreciating its evolving value over time. These artworks, enhancing the beauty of their owners’ daily lives, stand as irreplaceable presences that radiate an unparalleled essence.