Erie Iguchi

制作では3Dプリンターなど最新技術を積極的に活用するだけでなく、素材にもこだわりを持ち健康や環境にも配慮しています。こうしたテクノロジーと自然への思慮に支えられた立体作品は、作品が時代を超えて評価される可能性を感じさせます。 隠れた人間の本能に触れ、その力強さや弱さに向き合うよう促す彼女の作品は、鑑賞者と深い対話を持つことができる稀有な存在となるはずです。
1989 名古屋市生まれ
2015 愛知県立芸術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻領域 修了
2014 Tokyo Midtown Award 2014 優秀賞・オーディエンス賞
2015 第3回Art in the office CCC AWARDS 入選
2016 LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2016 準グランプリ
2020 第15回 TAGBOAT AWARD 準グランプリ
2015 [The other]LAD gallery
2018 [銃とハイヒール]Makii Masaru Fine arts
Ellie Iguchi’s works exude a sleek and stylish appearance. Yet beneath this polished surface lies a raw exploration of human instincts and emotions in flux. Her art captures fleeting moments when these primal, almost “beast-like” impulses emerge, vividly illustrating the duality within human nature.
A recurring motif in Iguchi’s work is the high heel. Symbolizing the modern woman navigating contemporary life, it also represents suppressed emotions such as anger and frustration. These concealed feelings reflect the "untamed human nature" that resists complete control, creating tension between the polished exterior and the primal instincts within. Iguchi boldly expresses these moments of raw humanity and untamed passion, captivating viewers with their intensity.
In her creative process, Iguchi incorporates cutting-edge technologies, including 3D printing, while carefully selecting materials with an emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness. Her sculptural pieces, supported by both technological innovation and consideration for nature, hint at their timeless relevance and enduring value.
By inviting viewers to confront hidden instincts—their strength and fragility—Iguchi’s work sparks profound dialogues. It stands as a rare and compelling presence, offering a deeper connection to the complexities of human emotions and identity.
1989 Born in Nagoya
2015 Completed master course of art Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music
2018 [Guns and Highheels]Makii Masaru Fine arts
2015 Art in the office CCC AWARDS 3rd
2016 LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2016 Semi grand prize
2020 TAGBOAT AWARD 15th Semi grand prize