2010年には、南北朝期の婆娑羅、戦国末期の傾奇者といった、華美(過美)で覇格(破格)な美の系譜を “BASARA” として提唱。
主なグループ展に、2002年「天明屋尚と暁斎展」(埼玉、河鍋暁斎記念美術館)、2003年「アメリカン・エフェクト:アメリカについてのグローバル的視点 1990-2003」(ニューヨーク、ホイットニー美術館)、2006年「ベルリン - 東京展」(ベルリン、ベルリン新国立美術館)、2010年「第17回シドニー・ビエンナーレ」(オーストラリア、シドニー)、2010年「BASARA展」(東京、スパイラル)を主催・企画・キュレーション、2011年「バイバイキティ!!!天国と地獄の狭間で -日本現代アートの今-」ジャパン・ソサエティ(ニューヨーク,アメリカ)。
その他に、「BURST(コアマガジン)」「SENSE((株式会社センス))」などの雑誌に誌上芸術として連載、「FIFA公式アートポスター Official Art Poster 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany」制作、ドキュメンタリー映画「≒天明屋尚」出演。
パブリック・コレクションに、Chazen Museum of Art(マジソン、アメリカ)、The Museum of Fine Arts(ヒューストン、アメリカ)、高松市美術館(高松)。
Born in Tokyo, in 1966 February.
Tenmyouya Hisashi is a Japanese contemporary artist.
He supposed his unique Japanese painting "Neo Nihonga" which revives Japanese traditional paintings as a contemporary art.
And in 2000 he also created his new style "Butouha" which shows the resistant attitude for authoritative art system through his paintings.
In 2010 he proposed a new Japanese art scheme named "BASARA" which is extravagant and extraordinary and embodies a Samurai aesthetic like "Basara" in
Nanboku dynasty era and "Kabuki-mono" in the end of Sengoku era.
In 2012 he produced a new commercial gallery to cause a sensation.Therefore he always keeps challenging to make a new style against Japanese snobbish society.
Some of the major group exhibitions he has participated in include the 2002 " Kawanabe Kyosai and Tenmyouya Hisashi Exhibition " (Kawanabe Kyosai
Memorial Museum (Saitama, Japan)) and " One Planet under a Groove : Hip Hop and Contemporary Art " (Bronx Museum (New York) and Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), the 2003 " The American Effect " (Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)), the 2006 " The Berlin - Tokyo Exhibition " (Neue
Nationalgalerie (Berlin)), the 2010 " 17th Biennale of Sydney " (Sydney,Australia), and the 2010 " BASARA Exhibition "(Spiral Garden(Tokyo, Japan)) Hosted, planned, and curated by Tenmyouya.
[Selected Solo Exhibitions]
2000 "Japanese Spirit " at HARAJUKU GALLERY(Tokyo, Japan)
2001 " Tenmyouya Hisashi Exhibition " at PROGETTO(Tokyo, Japan)
2002 " NEO Japanese Paintings " at Depot(Tokyo, Japan)
2003 " Gakyo " at Nadiff(Tokyo, Japan)
" Tenmyouya Hisashi " at the reed spase.(New York, U.S.A)
" Kabuku " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2004 " Deceptive Spirits of the Mountains and Rivers " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2005 " Bunshin " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2006 " MADE IN JAPAN " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2007 " NEO Japanese Paintings " at Roppongi hills art design store space A+D (Tokyo, Japan)
2008 " Fighting Spirit " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2009 " FURYU - EXTRAVAGANT " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2011 " G-tokyo 2011" Mori arts center gallery(Tokyo, Japan)
2012 " Rhyme " at Mizuma Art Gallery(Tokyo, Japan)