1982 東京生まれ
2004 阿佐ヶ谷美術専門学校絵画科卒業 以後、本格的に絵画制作を始める
2004 GEISAI#6出展
2005 GEISAI#8出展
2006 GEISAI#9,10出展
個展 Gallery unseal
グループ展 「Other sensibility」 文房堂ギャラリー
2007 個展 「視線案内」 Gallery unseal
2009 個展 「望遠鏡と顕微鏡」 unseal contemporary
グループ展「My Favorite Things」 unseal contemporary
2011 個展 「目を瞑らずにできること」 unseal contemporary
2015 DAEGU ARTFAIR 特別交流展示
Yoko Kamoshita’s work stirs up the observer’s imagination with an ever-changing expression that is sometimes like a body part, sometimes like scenery, and at others like natural phenomena.
Each one of her lines, which are precise but sometimes boldly drawn, overlap numerous times and intersect, creating a wide range of tones and pulling us in to the deep world of the artwork.
It is a profound piece in which you will make discoveries each time you look at it.
Her artwork, born from persistent pursuit, has been highly regarded in recent years, and brilliantly won the First Place Prize at the TAGBOAT-sponsored 2015 Art Fair. This led to an exhibition at the South Korea Art Fair, making it her debut outside of Japan.
By facing the screen with earnestness, the depth of Kamoshita’s work has increased, and her exploring spirit has taken a step further.
Although that is a utopia that the artist herself has yet to fully grasp, it invites expectation that the content will have an artistic value that is sure to hit the hearts of those who see it.
What will be the next development for Kamoshita, who is bound continue to grab on to the screen and move her brush honestly according to her voice?
Her future is one to watch as she grows as an artist.