ジェイミー・マルティネスはコロンビア人のアーティストで、アート関連ブログの「アルテフューズARTE FUSE」の主宰者でもある。ニューヨークを拠点に活動し、ブルックリンのダンボ地区にスタジオがある。作品の多くは三角形で構成されているが、それについて彼は「独特で力強く神秘的で基本的な幾何学上の形」と語る。彼はこのプロセスとして、イメージ、データ、情報を幾何学的に組立て、壊し、断片化して三角形に区分する。
1973年10月生まれ。12歳の時にコロンビアからフロリダに移民。 マイアミ国際アート&デザイン大学で学び(1997-2000年)、ニューヨークに移り、ファッション工科大学(FIT、2001-2003年)とアート・スチューデント・リーグ(2008-2010年)でも学んでいる。
Jamie Martinez is a Colombian artist and publisher of ‘ARTE FUSE’ art blog. Based out of New York, his studio is located in Dumbo, Brooklyn. Many of his works consist of triangles, which he describes as a “unique, powerful and a mysterious basic geometric form”. His process involves constructing, deconstructing and fragmenting images, data, and information geometrically into triangulated segments.
His works have been presented in museums and galleries in Russia, Spain, Canada, Miami and New York, including Queens Museum (NY), WhiteBox (NY), and The Memorial House Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Moscow, Russia.
Nuesta Tele Noticias, a major Spanish TV network, interviewed him for 30 minutes in 2016 for the TV show “Lideres (Leaders)” which was broadcasted in 21 countries to 41 million people. He has also collaborated with fashion brands Ash Shoes and Diesel.
Martinez was born on October 1973, he would later immigrate to Florida from Colombia upon reaching the age of twelve. He studied at the Miami International University of Art and Design (1997-2000), then moved to New York to continue his education at Fashion Institute of Technology (2001-03) and The Art Students League of New York (2008-10).