広本伸幸 「一瞬のシルエット 新進気鋭のアーティスト3人」テキストより抜粋" />
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佐原和人の作品には風景のほか、人物や動植物も多く描かれます。アニメやTVCMのワンシーンも《影》になって登場します。金銀のほか、にじみやぼかしといった日本画の伝統技法を応用した画面は豊穣な色彩に溢れてゴージャスです。広本伸幸 「一瞬のシルエット 新進気鋭のアーティスト3人」テキストより抜粋
Kazuhito Sahara
Japaese paper , aclylic color, wood panel
Kazuhito Sahara is watercolorist as well as animation creator. His wide talents allow him to create unique works, using soluble materials such as watercolor, acrylic paint and ink. He fills the canvas with water which takes a night to dry. His style is to keep drawing until inspiration arrives. He acquired this style through the experiences that he had achieved the animation for 20 minutes which consists of 3,200 paintings. Normally, hand drawing animations are created by a large number of paintings. His single-minded attitude enables him to capture actions accurately and create imaginative silhouettes and his ability to handle colors adds balance to his paintings. He adopts dynamic color to tame the image and chic color to active the image. His works look very simple but are perfectly composed.