大量生産される部品がまるで有機的な生物のように感情が宿っているかのような表現を試みました。銀色の金属の世界を引き裂いて、とびちる電子部品たち。勢いよく躍動的に動き回る彼らは、これからどーするんだろうか? 細胞もDNAをもとに複製されていきます。電子部品も細胞も私たち人間の社会とてもよく似ていると強く感じます。
ART is made from electronic components that do not meet the criteria to become a product.
I tried to express the emotions of these mass-produced parts as if they were organic organisms. The electronic parts are tearing apart the silvery metal world and flying apart. What are they going to do now that they are moving so vigorously and dynamically? Cells are replicated based on DNA. I strongly feel that electronic components and cells are very similar to our human society.