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Jasmine Fulford
Oil on Canvas
1988年神奈川県逗子生まれ。 武蔵野美術大学油絵学科(油絵専攻)入学。 3年時に版画専攻に転専攻し、2年在籍ののち卒業。 その後すぐイギリスに渡り、UALセントラルセントマーチンMA Fine Artを修了。 現在は日本を拠点に、主に平面、ときどき立体の制作を行う。
Jasmine Fulford was born in 1988 in Zushi, a seaside city to the south of Tokyo. She graduated from Musashino Art University (Department of Painting) in Tokyo, having spent two years on the Oil Painting course and two years on the Printmaking Course. She subsequently completed an MA in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins (University of the Arts London). Jasmine Fulford is based in Japan. Most of her current art is drawing and painting, but she also works in three dimensions.