窓からの光が届く室内の静物をリソグラフ の鮮やかなインクとその色の重なりで表現しています。
都築まゆ美は、鉛筆によるグラデーションでモノクロの版をシアン用、イエロー用、マゼンダ用というように色ごとに数枚描き、それを版にしてリソグラフ で刷るという珍しい方法で作品を制作しています。
Soft curved glass vase and pretty flowers placed on a classical chest.
The vivid ink and layered colors of Risograph depict a still life in a room lit by light from a window.
【Techniques of Creating Works】
Risograph is a digital stencil printing technique that utilizes the same technology as silkscreening and galley printing, and is widely recognized as a technique for creating artworks.
In her case, she uses a pencil gradation technique to draw several black-and-white plates for each color (cyan, yellow, magenta, etc.), which are then used as plates for Risograph printing, which is an unusual method.