地平線が好きです。何もない大地に、ただただ地平線のみが広がっている世界に惹かれます。仏教には 涅槃という概念がありますが、涅槃を指す「ニルヴァーナ」というサンスクリット語は、「妨げのない世界」という意味であるという文章を読んだ時、その好きな地平線の世界とシンクロしたことを覚えています。
I like horizons. I am attracted to a world where there is nothing but the horizon, nothing but the earth. In Buddhism, there is a
concept of nirvana, and I remember synchronizing with that favorite world of the horizon when I read a text that the Sanskrit word "nirvana," which refers to nirvana, means "the world without hindrance.
I imagine, based on the etymology of the word nirvana, that there is no separate world of vexations and nirvana, as described in the book of the Nagarjuna, and that they are exactly the same world, just a matter of whether or not there is "hindrance" within oneself.
The "world without hindrance," or the world that can be seen by removing everything from in front of us, is probably the most primitive original landscape described in the Old Testament when it says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I have attempted to create my own image of nirvana by constructing the concept that what appears there is a border line (horizon) that separates heaven and earth. (Translated with DeepL)