

シリーズ:『Au fil du temps (オ・フィル・ドゥ・タン) / ときを縫う』

Au fil du tempsはフランス語で時の流れ、時の重なり、時を越えるという意味の熟語である。Filは縫糸、縫う、Tempsは時間という単語が含まれている。 




Concept :
Series : [Au fil du temps ( Transcend time and space ) / Sew time]

I express “connections through time and things that are passed down generation by generation” using wood and string.

Au fil du temps is a French phrase that refers to the flow of time, the passage of time, and things that are timeless. It contains fil, which means thread or sow, and temps, which refers to time.
Why is being timelessness expressed as sewing time?

Wood contains growth rings that show its growth over the years. You can see the passage and build up of time. I open holes in them. The holes represent moving through time to warp into past ages.
I sew the wood. I pass thread through the holes, and look back at the time that I have traversed.
The thread binds the holes from the bottom up as they jump through a number of warps, to repeatedly traverse the past, present, and future. It is similar to how we spend our days looking back and regretting the past, or enjoying our memories.

The act of cutting the holes with a blade has a masculine aspect to it, and sewing with a needle has a feminine one. Both of these aspects helps one to feel the connection between lives that arises from the relationships between people.




作品本体価格Sellng Price(Artwork)
¥ 52,000
箱代/額装費Framing Price
¥ 1,700
¥ 5,370
合計金額(税込)Total(include tax)
¥ 59,070

More Details

木に刺繍を施しています。素材 : 柿の木、糸、着彩

I embroider on wood. Material : Persimmon wood, threads, painting

証明書Certificate of Authenticity
あり Yes
オリジナルunique piece
制作年Year of Creation
35x 6 x10cm
額仕様Frame Specification
額寸Frame Size
x x cm
納品期間Shipping Time
作品IDItem ID


2012年にパリのアトリエABA/Glacièreで制作を始める。そこで 木彫家 Sylvie Lejeune に出会い、木の素材の面白さに引き込まれる。2015年に帰国後も桜、柿、銀杏、オークなどの自宅や近所で伐採された木を利用し制作している。
2015年、2011年3・11の震災によって各地に起きた地盤の液状化現象をきっかけに内面的、物理的なバランスとアンバランスをテーマに” En l’air” (In the air)を制作。台座を使わずに吊ったり、壁や床への接地面の少ない彫刻を制作する。
2017年は私の想う理想の女性像 (母) を平面的な立体(ボリュームの無い立体)によって表現した。そこから派生し2018年からは ”Au fil du temps” (オ フィル ドゥ タン)/ 時空を超える をシリーズで制作している。”Au fil du temps” の fil / 縫い紐、紐を使い、temps /時間 世代を越えていく時のつながりを表現している。


Since 2002, I have been presenting at solo and group exhibitions and symposiums. For about 10 years until 2012, I produced artworks using granite and marble as the material with budgerigars as the motif.

I began production at atelier ABA/Glacière in Paris in 2012. There I met Sculptor Sylvie Lejeune, and was drawn to the appeal of wood materials. Even after returning to Japan in 2015, I continued to make use of trees obtained at home or in the neighborhood, such as cherry, persimmon, ginkgo, and oak.

In 2015, I produced “En l'air” (In the air) with the theme of internal and physical balance and imbalance triggered by the soil liquefaction that occurred in various areas due to the earthquake disaster on March 11th, 2011. The sculptures I produce hang without using a pedestal or has little surface in contact with the wall and floor.

In 2017, I represented my ideal female image (mother) with a planar solid (a solid without volume). I branched from there, and since 2018 I have been producing a series called "Au fil du temps"/transcend time and space. From "Au fil du temps", I am expressing the "fil"/sewing strings using strings, and "temps"/time as the connection of time that transcends time and generations.

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