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It's an image of running away from something.
Naoki Katagiri
acrylic on canvas
1970年 岐阜県生まれ 1993年 「グループ展」 1994年 「2人展」LOVECOLLECTION GALLERY(名古屋) 「グループ展」 1995年 「個展」J2GALLERY(東京) 「グループ展」GALLERY LE DECO(東京) 1996年 「個展」GALLERY CAPTION(岐阜) 2009年 平面作品の制作再開~ 2012年 YOUNG ARTISTS JAPAN Vol.5(TAGBOAT 主催) 2013年 「花見展#3」Art Lab TOKYO(東京・日本橋) TAGBOAT ART FES 2013(ブース審査、準グランプリ受賞) TAGBOAT@Bunkamura(東京・渋谷) 「個展」Art Lab TOKYO(東京・日本橋) 2014年 「アートフェア東京」Art Lab TOKYOより出品 「花見展#4」Art Lab TOKYO(東京・日本橋) 第9回タグボートアワード(審査員特別賞・大巻伸嗣賞) 「個展」LAD GALLERY(名古屋) 「個展」Art Lab AKIBA(東京・秋葉原) 2015年 「個展」Art Lab TOKYO(東京・日本橋) 2016年 第11回タグボートアワード入選 Independent TAGBOAT ART FES(審査員特別賞・椿原弘也賞)
Naoki Katagiri creates works by drawing out with oil painting a collection of pictures he took by himself. He represents a painting space that overflows with more sense of presence than the actual landscape. In his works that cut out landscapes of night, the darkness is deeper than the actual night and the brightness of lights shines brilliantly; in works where greenery grows in the landscape, the smell of that greenery and the sound of the wind blowing through it... With enough persuasive power to make people think they were right at that spot, his works invokes every sense of the viewer. That is none other than because Katagiri beautifully captures the appearance of the original landscape in a place that transcends picture, and works with skillful technique. In the past, he has won the Jury Special Award chosen by the gallerist countless times at TAGBOAT-sponsored public exhibitions. He is an influential person who is valued for his high quality work. Works that beautifully fuse Katagiri’s observation power, portrayal power, and unique aesthetic sense are items truly worth appreciating. His smart world view of no waste is also suitable for interiors, and will take any room up a notch into a stylish space. How about spending luxurious and elegant time everyday with Katagiri's work?