


Fumitake Uchida



MoMAが開催する"DESTINATION JAPAN"に作品4点が選定され、世界的なクリエイター年鑑 『LE BOOK』のニューヨーク、パリ、ロンドン版の装画を全て担当するなど、20代半ばから国際的に高い評価を得ている数少ない作家の1人だ。

その他、MISIA with 星空のオーケストラ2010「星空のライヴ V Just Ballae」など音楽DVDやCDのジャケットを手がけ、宮本亜門氏の演出ミュージカル「テイクフライト」にて舞台全面に投影される絵の制作を担当するなど、幅広い分野でその才能を発揮している。

他にも、「UOMO」「Tarzan」などの雑誌や、TOYOTA、TOKYO chintaisなどの広告でもアートワークを手がけ、最近では全国各地の繁華街に掲げられたビルボード広告にも起用されるなど、街の風景の一部として溶け込んでいるのも見かけられる。
更に2013年には、ファーストアルバム『Sleepin Forest』をリリースし音での表現も展開するなど、媒体を選ばずに表現ができてしまう、まさに真のクリエイターだ。




Fumitake Uchida makes a soft appeal for the everyday life that we casually see around us, and the charm that we see and feel when visiting a place.
The atmosphere that surrounds the world of his work has an indescribable feeling of comfort and lures the observer. It’s a mysterious piece that is never tiring to look at, and that feels deeper with each observation.

He is one of a handful of artists in his mid-twenties who is highly regarded internationally, having 4 pieces selected for the MoMA exhibit “DESTINATION JAPAN”, and illustrating the New York, Paris, and London editions of the worldwide creators’ yearbook, “LE BOOK”.

In 2013 he released his first album, “Sleeping Forest”, venturing into expression with sound, showing that he is a true creator who can express himself in any media.

Uchida is at the top of the TAGBOAT sales ranking, and his unique perspective has been highly supported from the start.
His pieces are purchased not only for collections, but also by many as a moving or new build present, or as gifts for commemorative dates, one of the reasons for his popularity being the fact that his pieces are suitable for many different situations.

There are not many artists who not only have taste in creating their pieces, but also unique imagination that excites the art community and creates interesting things that involve people.

An artist whose next leap is being watched by everyone, is a must-check for collectors.