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今回のポートフォリオは2007年9月にアイスランドで行われた展覧会のために制作したものです。1997年にスイッチ・パブリッシングから出版された写真集「HYPER BALLAD:Icelandic Suburban Landscape」の中から 6点を選び、18部限定のポートフォリオにしました。写真はそれぞれにサインがあり、白いボックスに納められています。「東京郊外」以前に出版され、根強い人気のアイスランドの郊外風景は、澄み切った青空と色鮮やかな建築物が印象的な作品です。
Takashi Homma
C-print in a box
1962年、東京都生まれ。1985年より広告制作会社ライトパブリシティに6年在籍。1991年にはロンドンに渡り、ファッション・カルチャー誌「iD」で活動。帰国後、雑誌や広告などの分野で幅広く活躍。1999年に東京郊外の風景と、そこに生活する子どもたちを撮影した『東京郊外TOKYO SUBURBIA』(1998年、光琳出版)で第24回木村伊兵衛賞を受賞。主な個展は1998~1999年「東京郊外 TOKYO SUBURBIA」パルコギャラリー(東京・名古屋)、1998年「アイスランド」ギャラリー360°、以後毎年個展開催。2000年「TOKYO SUBURBIA」ヴィンタートゥアー写真美術館(スイス)など。写真集多数。2003年には伝説の写真家、中平卓馬の日常を撮影した写真集『きわめてよいふうけい』(2004年、リトルモア)を出版し、同名の映画作品で監督も務めた。
Takashi Homma was born in 1962 in Tokyo. He studied photography at College of Art, Nihon University, but left in 1984 to take up a job as an in-house photographer at a Tokyo advertising agency. In the early 1990s Homma lived in London, where he worked for i-D. On his return to Japan he worked in many different genres within photography, including magazines and advertisements. In 1999 he received the 24th Kimura Ihei Photography Award for his series Tokyo Suburbia, in which he focused his gaze on suburban residential areas in and around Tokyo. His photographic style is quiet, influenced by William Eggleston’s color photography. Homma strives to eliminate any exaggeration or dramatization, giving a result often characterized as honest. In 2004 he published the collection of the traditional photographer Takuma Nakahira, titled Kiwamete Yoi Fuukei: Short Hope: Takuma Nakahira and supervised a video by the same name. Two years later the Swiss publisher Nieves brought out the short and intimate Tokyo and my Daughter; 32 colour images of a young girl from birth to the age of six, intertwined with images from the city. In 2008, already widely published in Japan, Homma became the first Japanese contemporary artist to be published by Aperture, his first international retrospect. In recent years Homma has left the urban centre to turn his lens towards nature. In New Waves – photographs taken at the North Shore in Hawaii – he captures the calm and changing appearances of the waves. In Trails he catches the traces of deer-hunting in the deep, snowy mountains. Starting this year (2011), the first retrospective of Homma’s work will tour museums in Japan for two years, presenting the entire scope of his oeuvre.