シリーズ:『Au fil du temps (オ・フィル・ドゥ・タン) / ときを縫う』
Au fil du tempsはフランス語で時の流れ、時の重なり、時を越えるという意味の熟語である。Filは縫糸、縫う、Tempsは時間という単語が含まれている。
Concept :
Series : [Au fil du temps ( Transcend time and space ) / Sew time]
I express “connections through time and things that are passed down generation by generation” using wood and string.
Au fil du temps is a French phrase that refers to the flow of time, the passage of time, and things that are timeless. It contains fil, which means thread or sow, and temps, which refers to time.
Why is being timelessness expressed as sewing time?
Wood contains growth rings that show its growth over the years. You can see the passage and build up of time. I open holes in them. The holes represent moving through time to warp into past ages.
I sew the wood. I pass thread through the holes, and look back at the time that I have traversed.
The thread binds the holes from the bottom up as they jump through a number of warps, to repeatedly traverse the past, present, and future. It is similar to how we spend our days looking back and regretting the past, or enjoying our memories.
The act of cutting the holes with a blade has a masculine aspect to it, and sewing with a needle has a feminine one. Both of these aspects helps one to feel the connection between lives that arises from the relationships between people.