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ボールペン 色鉛筆 紙
ballpoint coloredpencil paper
まんコラム二スト。 日本性器のアート協会会員。自らの女性器(まんこ)を型どりデコレーションした立体作品「デコまん」造形作家。 単行本『デコまん~アソコ整形漫画家が奇妙なアートを作った理由』ぶんか社刊。 2012年6月米国シアトルのエロティック・アートフェスティバルに作品正式出品。 2012年9月銀座ヴァニラマニアにてデコまん展開催。 2012年12月週刊アサヒ芸能の流行語大賞に「デコまん」ノミネート。 2013年4月銀座ヴァニラ画廊のヴァニラ画廊大賞展にて女性器照明「シャンデビラ」展示。 2013年6月イギリスHuffingtonPost誌に活動が取り上げられる。 2013年9月まんこの3Dスキャンデータを使った世界初のマンボートを制作。(その制作費用はクラウドファンドを利用し 最終的に100マン円のボッ金が集まった) 2013年10月たまん川(多摩川)にて世界初の3Dマンボート試乗。 2013年11月オランダのメトロポリスTVに活動が取り上げられる。 2014年3月広島ホームテレビ「アグレッシブですけど、何か?」に出演。まんこがモザイク無しで公共の電波に流れる快挙を果たす。 2014年5月 新宿眼科画廊にて初の個展となる「まんことあそぼう!よいこの科学まん個展」開催。2ちゃんねるにもまとめができ、2週間の会期中は大盛況。まんこちゃんソフビなどのグッズが飛ぶように売れる。 公式ホームページ Twitter : @6d745 単行本「デコまん~アソコ整形漫画家が奇妙なアートを作った理由~」(ぶんか社) 作品アルバム デコまんとは: 女性器を石膏に型どり、デコ電のようにデコレーションしたデコまん、ジオラマを載せたジオラまん、リモコンで動くリモまん、センサーに反応すると水が飛び出す噴水まんなどなど、女性器の概念をくつがえす、誰も見たことがないアホアート。
As an artist, I focus on my own vagina as the motif for my art. My work is against discriminative/ignorant treatment of the vagina My artwork is shown on this blog. My vagina was scanned by a 3D printer and was expanded to 2-meters size as the kayak which is titled ” まんぼーと(TheVagina Boat).” I was able to row in a boat modeled after my own vagina. I make art pieces with my vagina, which I would rather call Manko(MK). I thought it was just funny to decorate my vagina and make into a diorama, but I was very surprised to see how upset people get when they see my works or even hear me say the word Manko. Even when a TV station asked me to be on their show, they wouldn’t dare let me say DECO-MAN because “MAN” is from the taboo word “Manko”. Why did I start making these kind of art pieces? It’s because I had never seen the vagina of others and I was too self-conscious of mine. I did not know what a vagina should look like at the same time, so I thought mine was abnormal. Manko and vagina, have been such a taboo in Japanese society. Penis, on the other hand, has been used in illustrations and has become a part of pop culture. But vagina has never been so cute. Vagina has been thought to be obscene because its been overly hidden; although it is just a part of a woman’s body. I wanted to make vagina more casual and pop. That’s how I came to make a vagina lampshade, a remote-controlled vagina car, vagina accessories, a vagina smartphone case, and so on. I wrote a comic book of DECO-MAN (Bunka sha). I also host workshops for women who want to make their own DECO-MAN. I hold it regularly, once a month. I create a model of a woman’s vagina using a dental impression agent. To strengthen the model , gypsum is used, and the model is then decorated I take vagina with a dental impression agent and strengthen the model with gypsum and do the decorations. *I create it using a modeling agent that is kind to the body for each person individually in a private room. As for modelling it, customers need not to worry. Because customers paint with Vaseline and model it themselves, pubic hairs are not shaven. In the case of menstruation, a tampon is used. A person who I had difficulty dealing with was in menopause. It is all right if customers come without their own materials, but they are welcome to bring their own (decorations parts) if they want to do the decorations themselves. The final product is shown on a photo album.