


Parallel World パラレルワールドシリーズ




この世界は本当に我々自身が望んだものなのか? それともどこかに私たちの理想の世界が存在するのか? そこで私たちは何をして暮らし、どんな景色を見ているのだろうか?



This artwork has mysterious feeling. Because the mirror is used as background, expression will change depending on the space in which the work is placed and the viewing angle.
Artwork is attached to a silver frame that fits this colorful and shiny artwork.

Parallel World Series

silk embroidery thread, acrylic mirror plate, acrylic rod

Coil silk embroidery thread on acrylic rod, then attach to acrylic mirror plate

We generate our own environment. We get exactly what we deserve.
from “ONE” by Richard Bach

Is this a world we really desire?
Is there any ideal world somewhere else?
What do we do there?
What kind of scenery can we see there?

When you felt a little bored by your daily life, when some hard thing happened, imagine parallel world and think what you would do there, then you may feel like your world is spreading and feel a little bit excited.
In the parallel world series, I want to express the feeling of little excitement and being reliefd by imagine another world.
The combination of color represents a world surrounding us. If you see the detail, you will find mismatched colors like normally people won’t use together are located next to each other. This world is filled with a wide variety of people and miscellaneous things. At first glance, it looks chaotic but when you see it from distance, you will find out unexpected harmonies.
The world surrounding us also seems to be chaotic, but in fact, there are some kinds of balance and harmony. If you see the world from a distance, you can find new beauty and harmony. Like this, I represent the relationship of the world surrounding us and ordinally life of people by my artworks.

Parallel World (SS_ml9)

Parallel World (SS_ml9)

Hidemi Shimura


More Details

ミクストメディア (刺繍糸(シルク),アクリル棒,アクリルミラー)

Mixed media (embroidery thread (silk), acrylic stick, acrylic mirror)

証明書Certificate of Authenticity
あり Yes
制作年Year of Creation
20x 20 x2.3cm
額仕様Frame Specification
シルバー 浮かしframed
額寸Frame Size
31.5x 31.5x 3cm
納品期間Shipping Time
作品IDItem ID


シムラ ヒデミ (現代美術作家)


1974 静岡県生まれ
1997 武蔵野美術大学空間演出デザイン学科ファッションデザイン専攻卒
1998-2005 3DCGアニメーション制作者として勤務 (東京)、その後現代美術作家へ
2006-2013 中国上海市にて現代美術作家として活動
2013.12 日本帰国、現在埼玉県所沢市在住

2019.12 「線索 TRACK」Shun Art Gallery (上海)
2018.4 「パラレルワールド」gallery fu (横浜、日本)
2018.4 「開花宣言 -Blooming No.2-」JINEN GALLERY (東京)
2018.3 「平行世界」梵融美術館 (蘇州、中国)
2016.4 「開花宣言」JINEN gallery (東京)
2015.8 「Silent Invaders in Yokohama -シマシマ星人の部屋大公開-」gallery fu (横浜)
2015.8 「Silent Invaders Back in Tokyo」わいん場 (東京)
2015.6 「シムラヒデミ個展」JINEN gallery (東京)
2012.5 「Silent Invaders in Shanghai -No.3-」 M55 Ladyship’s Bar (上海)
2012.5 「Silent Invaders in Shanghai -No.2-」 チャンスワークショップ (上海)
2012.2 JiaoJiaoアートイベント 「Collecting Everyone’s New Year Wish」 Jiaoバー (上海)
2010.11 「蘇州色彩」 本色美術館 (蘇州、中国)
2010.3 「Silent Invaders in Shanghai 」 雅巣画廊 (上海)
2006.8 「Silent Invaders in LA」 アートカフェKALDI (ロスアンジェルス)
2006.2 「Silent Invaders in Tokyo」 ギャラリームーラン (東京)
2005.10 「Silent Invaders」 Galerie Hitomi Bushi d’Eau (パリ)

2021.7  [アート番外地 ] gallery tagboat(東京)
2020.3 「アート解放区 EATS 日本橋 produced by Tagboat」LAUNCHビル(東京)
2020.10 「tagboat x ジェイアール名古屋タカシマヤ」ジェイアール名古屋タカシマヤ(名古屋、日本)
2020.6 「キリンの首 -首を長くして待つ-」Shun Art Gallery (東京)
2018.11 「Fragrance of Old – Those from warehouse Vol.1 」 Shun Art Gallery (上海)
2018.9 「ENCONTRO DE RIOS -URBAN DIALOGUES-」Espaço Espelho D´água (リスボン、ポルトガル)
2018.7 「TOKYO ILLUSION 東京幻境」台中 Dali Art 藝術廣場 (台中、台湾)
2018.4 「若葉集 Wakaba Luster」藍頂美術館 (成都、中国)
2017.5 「erutuF」WhyWhyArt at Chic Oasis (南京、中国)
2017.2 「特別展|Livingに飾りたい1枚の絵」gallery fu (横浜)
2016.1 「デコトコノマ展」 Vol.3 gallery DAZZLE (東京)
2015.12 「imagine ~あした~」gallery fu & LAUNCH PAD GALLERY (横浜)
2015.7 「JINEN GALLERY SELECTION 2015」JINEN gallery (東京)
2015.6 「アート&デザイン川越」ギャラリーR+ (川越、埼玉)
2015.2 「テーマタイムアートショー -ミュージック-」 gallery fu (横浜)
2014.11 「ムサ美埼玉「所沢地区」小品展」 所沢市民文化センター「ミューズ」 (埼玉)
2014.11 「西脇市サムホール大賞展」 西脇市岡之山美術館 (兵庫)
2014.2 K’sコンセプト「近くの色、彼方の色彩」 新宿京王プラザホテルロビーギャラリー (東京)
2012.8 「チャイニーズランドスケープ」 ゲンスラーアーキテクチャーオフィス (上海)
2012.6 「パワーオブライン」 カルチャーインサイドギャラリー (ルクセンブルグ)
2012.3 「アンチグレイゾーン」 カルチャーインサイドギャラリー (ルクセンブルグ)
2011.3 「DIFFERENCES?/SIMILARITIES! 」 by Urban Dialogues© De Bijl エキシビションセンター (ゾーセル, ベルギー)
2010.12 「Coding」 YongKang-Lu Art (上海)
2010.4 「ファイバーアート三人展」 同時代画廊 (上海)
2009.9 「異線空間 -Various Lines-」 雅巣画廊 (上海)
2009.1 「Waken Up Your Talent !」 Ligare Gallery (上海)
2008.9 「ノンストップ -Accidentes plasticos-」展 カタルシス画廊 (マドリード)
2008.8 「Each Girl, Each Color」 Ligare Gallery (上海)
2008.4 「Clay and Fiber」展 Woman Made Gallery (シカゴ)
2008.2 「Mix It Up」展 Rhonda Schaller Studio (ニューヨーク)
2007.9 「ノンストップ –OTROS EMERGENTES-」 展 カタルシス画廊 (マドリード)
2006.9 「ノンストップ -ジャパニーズコンテンポラリーアート-」展 カタルシス画廊 (マドリード)
2006.3 「現代美術を愉しもう」展 吹田歴史文化センター (大阪)
2005.11 「交流」展 上海東華大学 (上海)
2005.11 吹田歴史文化センター「こみまる展」招待出展 (大阪)
2004.12 吹田歴史文化センター「こみまる展」出展 (大阪)

2021.3 「Tagboat Art Fair」東京ポートシティ竹芝 (東京)
2020.1 「0101 Art Fair」台北収蔵交易中心 (台北)
2019.10 「秋季当代芸術サロン展」台北収蔵交易中心 (台北)
2017.6 「Independent TAIPEI」松山文創園区 (台北)
2016.7 「Independent TOKYO」浅草ヒューリックホール (東京)
2015.5 「東京インターナショナルアートフェア」原宿クエストホール (東京)
2014.10 「TDW アートフェア」 準グランプリ 東京デザイナーズウィーク (東京)
2010.5 「上海春季アートサロン 」(上海)
2007.12 「ブリッジアートフェア マイアミ07」(マイアミ)
2007.10 「ブリッジアートフェア ロンドン07」(ロンドン)
2007.5 「KunStart 2007」(ボルザノ、イタリア)
2007.1 「ART LA 2007」(ロスアンジェルス)
2006.11 「エディンバラアートフェア」(エディンバラ)
2006.10 「スコープロンドン」(ロンドン)
2006.7 「スコープハンプトン」(NY州ハンプトン)
2005.5 「上海春季アートサロン」(上海)

2019.10–12 Shun Art Gallery主催のアーティストインレジデンスに参加 (上海)
2019.2 ファッションイベント「rooms experience 38」 五反田TOC (東京)
2018.9 Urban Dialogues主宰のアーティストインレジデンスとしてEspaço Espelho D'águaに滞在 (リスボン、ポルトガル)
2018.3 pantocrator gallery主宰のアーティストインレジデンスとして蘇州56文創区に滞在 (蘇州、中国)
2014.11 ファイナリストとして出展「西脇サムホールアートアワード」西脇岡之山美術館(兵庫)
2012.1-2013.11 SOSIN contemporary にて作品常設展示 (上海)
2011.10 「ジャパンカルチャー&ファッションウィーク」新天地広場 (上海)
2011.6 チャリティアートオークション「絆」SHUNアートギャラリー(上海)
2011.2 アートイベント 「革新的潮流」 半島1919日本文化村(上海)
2010.6–12 アーティストインレジデンスとして蘇州本色美術館に滞在 (蘇州)
2009.1 エコバッグプロジェクト「the Nomadic “decob” イン上海」 Foundry Gallery (上海)
2008.11 「インターナショナルアワード展」グランプリ獲得 SEGO Art Center (プロボ、ユタ州、アメリカ)
2007.3 アジアフィルムフェスティバル「ヴィレッジアジア」作品展示(ドーヴィル、フランス)
2006.12-2009.1 ギャラリースペースにて作品展示販売 オークションハウス「ARTCURIAL」(パリ)
2005.11-2007.2 パレ・ド・トーキョー「ブラックブロック」にて作品展示販売(パリ)
2004.4 galleryEsiesta 「Next One’s Competition」 入選(東京)
2003 プリンツ21グランプリ入選(東京)
1997 小野画廊現代美術小品展入選(東京)


HIDEMI SHIMURA (contemporary artist)

Her artwork, carefully created with thread, is intended to reflect the world around us as it is, such as the connection between people and the connection between people and the world.
Born in Shizuoka, Japan. After majoring in fashion design at Musashino Art university, after working as a 3DCG creator, she became a contemporary artist. Immediately after her debut, she held her first solo exhibition in Paris, and has been actively working overseas since then. Settled in Shanghai from 2006 to 2013 and worked as an artist.
In recent years, she has also taken on the challenge of experimental work production, and is creating new series one after another.

1974 Born in Japan
1997 Graduated from Musashino Art Univ. Tokyo (Majored in scenic display and fashion design)
1998-2005 Worked for some company as a 3DCG animation creator, then became a contemporary artist.
2006-2013 Lived in Shanghai, China, did activity as a contemporary artist there.
2013.12 Moved back to Japan, now lives in Tokoroza`wa-city, Saitama.

[ Solo Exhibition ]
2019.12 [ TRACK ] Shun Art Gallery (Shanghai, China)
2018.4 [ Parallel World ] gallery fu (Yokohama, Japan)
2018.4 [ Blooming -Vol.2- ] JINEN GALLERY (Tokyo)
2018.3 [ Parallel World ] Fanrong Art Museum (Suzhou, China)
2016.4 [ Blooming ] JINEN gallery (Tokyo)
2015.8 [ Silent Invaders in Yokohama -public viewing of a striped alien’s room- ] gallery fu (Yokohama, Japan)
2015.8 [ Silent Invaders Back in Tokyo ] wine-ba (Tokyo)
2015.6 [ Hidemi Shimura Solo Exhibition ] JINEN gallery (Tokyo)
2012.5 [ Silent Invaders in Shanghai -No.3- ] M55 Ladyship’s Bar (Shanghai)
2012.5 [ Silent Invaders in Shanghai -No.2- ] Chance Workshop (Shanghai)
2012.2 JiaoJiao Art Event [ Collecting Everyone’s New Year Wish ] Jiao Bar (Shanghai)
2010.11 [ Suzhou Colors ] at True Color Museum (Suzhou, China)
2010.3 [ Silent Invaders in Shanghai ] at Yard Gallery (Shanghai)
2006.2 [ Silent Invaders in Tokyo ] at gallery Muran (Tokyo)
2006.8 [Silent Invaders in LA] at Art Cafe KALDI (Los Angles)
2005.10 [ Silent Invaders ] at Galerie Hitomi Bushi d’Eau (Paris)

[ Group Exhibition ]
2021.7  [ Art extra area ] gallery tagboat(Tokyo, Japan)
2021.3  [ Art Liberation Zone EATS Nihonbashi produced by Tagboat ] LAUNCH Build.(Tokyo, Japan)
2020.10  [ tagboat x JR Nagoya Takashimaya ] JR Nagoya Takashimaya (Nagoya, Japan)
2020.6  [ Giraffe’s neck -Wait Patiently- ] Shun Art Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)
2018.11 [ Fragrance of Old - Those from warehouse Vol.1 ] Shun Art Gallery (Shanghai)
2018.9 [ ENCONTRO DE RIOS -URBAN DIALOGUES- ] Espaço Espelho D´água (Lisbon, Portugal)
2018.7 [ Tokyo Illusion ] Taichung Dali Art Plaza (Taichung, Taiwan)
2018.4 [ Wakaba Luster ] Blue Roof Art Museum (Chengdu, China)
2017.5 [ erutuF ] WhyWhyArt at Chic Oasis (Nanjing, China)
2017.2 [ Special Exhibition | A painting to hang on a living room ] gallery fu (Yokohama, Japan)
2016.1 [ Dekotokonoma Ten ] Vol.3 gallery DAZZLE (Tokyo)
2015.12 [ imagine -tomorrow- ] gallery fu & LAUNCH PAD GALLERY (Yokohama, Japan)
2015.7 [ JINEN GALLERY SELECTION 2015 ] JINEN gallery (Tokyo)
2015.6 [ Art & Design Kawagoe ] gallery R+ (Kawagoe, Japan)
2015.2 [Theme Time Art Show -MUSIC- ] gallery fu (Yokohama, Japan)
2014.11 [ Musashino Art Univ. Small Works Show ] Muse Tokorozawa Exhibit Hall (Saitama, Japan)
2014.2 Two Person Show [ Colors Up Close, Gradations at a Distance ] Shinjuku Keio Plaza Hotel (Tokyo)
2011.3 [ DIFFERENCES?/SIMILARITIES! ] by Urban Dialogues Exhibition Center De Bijl (Zoersel, Beigium)
2012.8 [ Chinese Landscape ] Gensler Architecture Office Art Event (Shanghai)
2012.6 [ Power Of Line ] CULTUREINSIDEgallery (Luxembourg)
2012.3 [ Anti Gray Zone ] CULTUREINSIDEgallery (Luxembourg)
2010.12 [ Coding ] at YongKang-Lu Art (Shanghai)
2010.4 [ Three Fiber Artist’s exhibition ] at Dohjidai Gallery (Shanghai)
2009.9 [ Various Lines ] at Yard Gallery (Shanghai)
2009.1 [ Waken Up Your Talent ! ] at Ligare Gallery (Shanghai)
2008.9 [ Accidentes plasticos ] at Galeria Catarsis (Madrid, Spain)
2008.8 [ Each Girl, Each Color ] at Ligare Gallery (Shanghai)
2008.4 [ Clay and Fiber ] at Woman Made Gallery (Chicago)
2008.2 [ Mix It Up ] at Rhonda Schaller Studio (N.Y.)
2007.9 [ NON STOP -OTROS EMERGENTES- ] at Galeria Catarsis (Madrid)
2006.9 [ ARTE CONTEMPORANEO JAPONES NON STOP ] at Galeria Catarsis (Madrid, Spain)
2005.11 [ Exchange ] at Shanghai Donghua Univ. (Shanghai)
2005.11 [ KOMIMARU Exhibition 2005 ] Center of Suita History and Culture (Osaka, Japan)
2006.3 [ Let’s Enjoy Modern Art ! ] Suita Center of History and Culture (Osaka)
2004.12 [ KOMIMARU Exhibition 2004 ] Center of Suita History and Culture (Osaka)

[ Art Fair ]
2021.3  [ Tagboat Art Fair 2021 ] Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba (Tokyo)
2020.1  [ 0101 Art Fair ] Auction Center Taipei (Taipei)
2019.10 [ Autumn Contemporary Art Salon ] Auction Center Taipei (Taipei)
2017.6 [ Independent TAIPEI ] Songshan Cultural and Creative Park(Taipei)
2016.7 [ Independent TOKYO ] Asakusa Hulic Hall(Tokyo)
2015.5 [ Tokyo International Art Fair ] Harajuku Quest Hall (Tokyo)
2014.10 [ TDW Art Fair ] Win Second Prize, Tokyo Designer’s Week (Tokyo)
2010.5 [ Shanghai Spring Art Salon ] (Shanghai)
2007.12 [ bridgeArtFair miami07 ] (Miami)
2007.10 [ bridgeArtFair london07 ] (London)
2007.5 [ KunStart 2007 ] (Bolzano, Italy)
2007.1 [ ART LA 2007 ] (Los Angles)
2006.11 [ Edinburgh Art Fair ] (Edinburgh,UK)
2006.10 [ scopeLONDON ] (London)
2006.7 [ scopeHAMPTON ] (Hampton, NY)
2005.5 [ Shanghai Spring Art Salon ] (Shanghai)

[ Others ]
2019.10-12 Artist Residency at Shun Art Gallery (Shanghai, China)
2019.2 Fashion Event [ rooms experience 38 ] Gotanda TOC (Tokyo)
2018.3 Artist Residency at Espaço Espelho D'água produced by Urban Dialogues (Suzhou, China)
2018.3 Artist Residency at 56 Cultural & Creative Park produced by pantocrator gallery (Suzhou, China)
2014.11 Exhibited as a finalist [ Nishiwaki Thumbhole Art Award ] Okanoyama Museum of Art Nishiwaki (Hyogo, Japan)
2012.1-2013.11 Permanent exhibition at SOSIN contemporary (Shanghai)
2011.10 Exhibited at Culture Event [ Japan Culture & Fashion Week ] Xintiandi Square (Shanghai)
2011.6 Charity Art Auction [ If We Hold On Together ] Shun Art Gallery (Shanghai)
2011.2 Produced Art Event [ Innovative Stream ] at Bandao1919 Japan Culture Village (Shanghai)
2010.6-12 Artist Residency at True Color Museum (Suzhou, China)
2009.1 Produced [ Eco Bag Project ‘ the Nomadic “decob” in Shanghai ] at the Foundry Gallery (Shanghai)
2008.11 Won Grand Prize at [ International Juried Show ] at SEGO Art Center (Provo, Utah, the U. S.)
2007.3 [ Village Asia - 9eme Festival du Film Asiatique de Deauville ] (Deauville, France)
2006.12-2009.1 Exhibited artworks at gallery space at Auction House [ARTCURIAL] (Paris)
2005.11-2007.2 Dealt artworks in a boutique [Black Block] at Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
2004.4 Won Grand Prix [ Next One’s Competition ] at galleryEsiesta (Tokyo)
2003 Selected and exhibited at [ Print’s 21 Grand Prix ] (Tokyo)
1997 Selected and exhibited [ Modern Art Small Works Competition ] at Ono Art Gallery (Tokyo)

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