





フユシャクが晩秋から冬にかけての夕暮れ時に活動するようになったのは、捕食圧による自然選択によると考えられています(Rydeii et al.,1997; Svensson et al.,1999; Tammaru et al.,2001)。捕食圧とは、ある種が、他の肉食動物に食べられることによって、生態環境が限定されていくことです。


西浩孝(2008)第2部 松之山および柏崎市におけるフユシャク類の出現時期(途中経過),p45-52.

The work is a set of 3 pieces measuring 200cm long and 100cm wide.

Fluttering in the beech forest at dusk in late autumn, before the snow begins to fall, is a type of moth called a Fuyusyaku. It is not a rare moth, and can be found in thickets throughout Japan from late fall through winter. All of those flying are males. They are nocturnal, and at dusk they appear out of nowhere. Females are almost wingless, and are rarely seen, perhaps under fallen leaves.

As larvae, the Fuyusyaku feed on the leaves of beech trees, but as adults, both males and females have degenerated mouthparts and do not feed. This is thought to be because there is not much to feed on during the adult season, and because the food contains water, which would freeze their bodies if they ingest water at this time of the year.

It is also thought that the reason why the female has no wings is because she has to use the limited energy in her body to produce offspring, and she may be directing that energy to her eggs. Instead of flying, the female produces pheromones to guide the male.

It is believed that the Fuyusyaku become active at dusk in late fall and winter due to natural selection caused by predation pressure (Rydeii et al.,1997; Svensson et al.,1999; Tammaru et al.,2001). Predation pressure is the limitation of the ecological environment as a species is eaten by other predators.

When I think of the way they dance in the beech forest at dusk with their thin wings that seem to turn to powder when touched, and of the grace with which they have spent so many years degenerating their mouths and wings for the sake of their offspring, I feel a sense of fear as well as beauty, and I feel a little prepared for winter to be upon us soon.

Nishi, Hirotaka (2008) Part 2: Occurrence timing of Fuyusyaku species in Matsunoyama and Kashiwazaki City (in progress), p45-52.


The Sound of Our Elected Wings

SATO Hirotaka

作品本体価格Sellng Price(Artwork)
¥ 1,800,000
箱代/額装費Framing Price
¥ 190,000
¥ 199,000
合計金額(税込)Total(include tax)
¥ 2,189,000

More Details

LightJet photographic print

LightJet photographic print

証明書Certificate of Authenticity
あり Yes
制作年Year of Creation
200x 300 cm
額仕様Frame Specification
フォトアクリル加工 ※作品背面に木製のパネル付きMounted Photos on Acrylic ※Wooden panel mounted on the back of the work
額寸Frame Size
200x 300x 2.6cm
納品期間Shipping Time
作品IDItem ID





1975 新潟県糸魚川市生まれ
2000 東京造形大学卒業_Zokei賞

2000 版画展 (Gallery Natsuka,Tokyo)
2004 For Mother (Gallery Rocket,Tokyo)

2000 Goka Soshina (Kanazawa Citizen’s Art Center,Kanazawa)
Corpus 17 (Gallery Place M,Tokyo)
2002 Escape Round (Gallery Mairo,Kanazawa)
2004 GEISAI #6_Rocket賞 (Tokyo Big Sight)
2006 GEISA I#10_山本現代,Girls Walker,Steady Study賞
2011 ひまわり展 (Minamisoma Public Library,Minamisoma)
2018 Shenzhen International Art Fair (Shenzhen,China)
2022 Independent Tokyo_タグボート特別賞、ヒロ杉山賞 (Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba)

2018 BABI (Self₋Published)
2022 “BABI de Boon”T-shirt designed by HARUNO (Self₋Published)


I was born and raised in a small town near the sea on the Sea of Japan.
There, the transition from evening to night is dramatic, and the colors and the black expanse of the sea at night influence my sense of beauty.

My work is photographic.
Some are pictorial compositions, and others are edited photographs of a certain person throughout the four seasons.

I find beauty in the cruelty of the seasons that pass as if nothing happened to us, and in the generosity of their indifference to our events.

SATO Hirotaka
1975 Born in Niigata,Japan
2000 Tokyo Zokei University, B.F.A

Individual Exhibitions
2000 Print Works (Gallery Natsuka,Tokyo)
2004 For Mother (Gallery Rocket,Tokyo)

Group Exhibitions
2000 Goka Soshina (Kanazawa Citizen’s Art Center,Kanazawa)
Corpus 17 (Gallery Place M,Tokyo)
2002 Escape Round (Gallery Mairo,Kanazawa)
2004 GEISAI #6 (Tokyo Big Sight)
2006 GEISA I#10
2011 Sunfiower (Minamisoma Public Library,Minamisoma)
2018 Shenzhen International Art Fair (Shenzhen,China)
2022 Independent Tokyo (Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba)

Photo Book
2018 BABI (Self₋Published)
2022 “BABI de Boon”T-shirt designed by HARUNO (Self₋Published)

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