2019年 前職を退職し、作家活動に専任
2014年 3Dアート作家として活動開始
2009年 会社員の傍らデジタルイラスト制作開始
2021 s.A.s Egawo/大阪、東京
2021 TERRADA ART COMPLEXⅡ contemporary tokyo/天王洲、東京
2021 北品川 gallery201/東京
2020 ガレリア表参道原宿/東京
2019 北品川 gallery201/東京
2018 ガレリア原宿/東京
2016 ガレリア原宿/東京
2014 北品川 gallery201/東京
2021 100人10
2021 『Independent TOKYO 2021』/東京
2021 『ART北京』『JINGART』/北京、中国
2020 TAGBOAT『Independent TOKYO 2020』/東京
2020 銀座阪急メンズ東京 tagboat gallery/東京
2019 『unknown asia exchange OSAKA』/大阪
2019 TAGBOAT『Independent TOKYO 2019』/東京
2019 中国にてアートフェアに出展/成都、深圳、南京、北京/中国
2016 『テグアートフェア』/大邱、韓国
2016 TAGBOAT『Independent TOKYO 2016』/東京
2021 美の起原展2021 奨励賞
2020 美の起原展2020 入選
2019 TAGBOAT『Independent TOKYO 2019』 タグボート特別賞
2017 国際芸術コンペティション『Art Olympia展覧会2017』 入選
2016 TAGBOAT『Independent2016』 大邱特別賞
3D artworks produced by KAERU TSUKINO are born from the combination of various materials such as metal, using his original digital illustration as blueprint. Then they are layerd in coating acrylic transparent resin and finished with glitters and rhinestones.The appearance that different materials show their individual charm and create a unique world - it expresses the fusion of diversity and interculturalism in this world. Also, KAERU feels that the world we exist is composed of "invisible layers". This is the one of significant reasons for making multi-layerd works using transparent resin.The "invisible layers" is the fluctuation of various consciousness and emotions of living creatures that are silently piled up in the world regardless of awareness. We are living on the earth made of such unstable and invisible emotions. In a land dominated by thin emotions, people's souls are exhausted.
In a land filled with abundant emotions, a bud of hope is born. Of course, that layers are not visible to our naked eyes. "Visible" is just a result of light information being transmitted from the retina to the brain. However, the brain of living creatures senses the surroundings by also other mechanism, it's not hard to imagin that a different scene is projected in our brain. KAERU expresses the existence of such layers or scenery that cannot be confirmed in human retina, with light transmitting transparent resin and multi-layer works.