Naho Ishii

石井七歩自身も2011年の堂島リバービエンナーレでは、アニッシュ・カプーア、杉本博司、チームラボ、森万里子、隈健吾、坂本龍一といった錚々たるメンバーの中で作品を展示した他、2012年には青森県立美術館にて早くも美術館デビューとなった。 さらには上野の森美術館のVOCA展への選出など、その才能と力量は早くから開花していた。
現在は写真とドローイングを組み合わせたシリーズを制作しており、多くのアートファンの目を飽きさせない。 この勢いはとどまることを知らず現在も続いており、本人の見かけとは明らかに異なるアーティストとしての魅力を周りに振りまいているのである。
天井知らずの好調さを維持している石井七歩は将来的な価値の上昇にさらに拍車がかかる可能性があり、お気に入りの作品が見つかったならば、必ず押さえておいたほうがよい。 熱烈な支持を受けていることから、今後は市場における評価も高くなるであろう。
Naho Ishii has changed.
It is the impression I got when I first met her.
She still looks like a girl and you couldn't imagine it from her naive expression, but the worldview appearing in her futuristic town has quickly captured many people in the arts scene.
It was seven years ago that Naho Ishii started drawing with cityscapes as a motif .
After the exhibition in GEISAI, she not only participated in artistic activities but also represented a group of about 50 painters and planned 10 exhibitions as well as organized over 30 events at Takashi Murakami's Gallery "Hidarizingaro".
Naho Ishii herself also exhibited works among various members such as Hiroshi Sugimoto, Team Lab, Mariko Mori, Osuga Oga and Ryuichi Sakamoto at the 2011 Dojima River Biennale , and at the opening of the Aomori Prefectural Museum of Art in 2012 .Furthermore , her talent and competence, which allowed her to be selected to the VOCA exhibition of the Ueno Royal Museum, had flowered early.
Currently, she is working on a series that combines photography and drawing, and a lot of art fans' eyes can't get enough of her. Her momentum continues even now and spreads around her charm as an artist clearly different from her personal appearance.
Naho Ishii has not reached her ceiling yet and in the future the value of her works may rise even more, so it's better to hold on to her works if you can get a hold of them. Since she's receiving enthusiastic support, market prices are set to increase in the future.